I acknowledge the different Tierras, Lands, and Country from which we come as writer and readers, yet I am writing on and with Awabakal and Worimi Country. I recognise the sustaining quality of land, sea and sky and the ongoing sovereignty of Awabakal and Worimi peoples. I honour and call to presence the abuelas of all the Tierras, Lands, Country which meet in me.
I write from an urban context as an Indigenous-mestiza single mumma migrant here from the complexities of displacement and desire/survivance. I write in kinship and honouring of my Indigenous kin in these lands and their struggle for sovereignty and healing justice.
I am exhausted, unwell with a virus, not the virus we think-hope, feeling the collective grief, mixtures of frozenness and denial, fight or flight, silence and silencing. Around me kin are dropping like flies with the virus, the exhaustion, the precarity, the mental and emotional overload and the shock of how fast the anti-life state-market machine is moving ahead and attempting to bulldoze our lives, our capacity to fight and our survivance as Indigenous and racialised and feminised communities… Read more online